How does Botulinum toxin (Botox) work?

Botulinum blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can no longer contract, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften. It is most often used on forehead lines, crow's feet (lines around the eye) and frown lines. Wrinkles caused by sun damage and gravity will not respond well to Botulinum unless a good skin care routine is in place.

If you decide to give it a try, take the following pre procedure advice. You're more likely to get a bruise at the site of the needle injection if you're taking aspirin or ibuprofen; these medications thin the blood and increase bleeding which causes the bruise. Skip the pills for two weeks in advance of your treatment. You should also tell your practitioner -- before treatment -- about any supplements you're taking, even if they're "natural," because some (such as fish oil pills, gingko, or vitamin E) also thin blood. Your practitioner may ask you not to use those supplements for two weeks before your treatment.

Go easy. Ask your practitioner for a more natural, expressive look. Your practitioner can adjust the dosage.

You can have wrinkle relaxing treatment in the following areas:

  • Frown line

  • Crows feet

  • Forehead

  • Smokers lines on upper lip

  • Jaw lift

  • Bunny lines on nose

  • Neck lift

  • Chin

  • Brow lift

Botox Costs

Prices start from £50 Deals available on multiple areas.

Have a question or want to find out more about facial botox treatments? Get in touch.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are injections used to fill out wrinkles and creases in the skin.

They can also be used to increase the volume and definition of the lips and cheeks. The fillers are made from a variety of materials and the effects can be either temporary or permanent, depending on the type of filler. I use hyaluronic acid – lasts anywhere from 6-18 months.

Before you go ahead If you're considering dermal fillers, be certain about why you want to have them. The procedure can be expensive and has its limitations.


In the UK, facial fillers cost about £150 to £300 per session, depending on the amount of product used.


Most fillers aren't permanent. There's no guarantee the desired effect will be achieved. The ageing process will still happen elsewhere – fillers will not, for example, fix a sagging jawline.  


Take time to find a reputable practitioner who is properly qualified and practises in a clean, safe and appropriate environment. Ask the practitioner what you should do if something were to go wrong.

What it involves:

You may be offered a local anaesthetic cream or injection. The practitioner injects the filler in a series of small injections and may massage the area. The treatment time can vary from 30 minutes to an hour. It may be uncomfortable, but should not be very painful. Afterwards The area may be a little swollen, tender and red for 24 hours. During that time you may be advised to avoid coffee, alcohol, hot drinks and the sun.


The risks of dermal fillers depend on whether the procedure was done correctly and the type of filler used.

General risks of dermal fillers include:  

  • rashes, swelling, itching and bruising

  • an infection

  • the filler moving away from the intended treatment area over time

Have a question or want to find out more about Derma Fillers? Get in touch.


Chemical peel

A chemical peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the skin. Facial skin is mostly treated, and scarring can be improved. Chemical peels are intended to remove the outermost layers of the skin.

The strength of the peel and course of treatment time will be advised to suit your needs.

Chemical peels Costs

£50, discounted if course booked.

Have a question or want to find out more about Chemical Peel treatments? Get in touch.


Dermaplaning is a safe and highly effective physical exfoliation procedure. It requires the use of a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently "shave" the skin's surface, removing the top-most layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair (aka peach fuzz).

dermaplaning costs


Have a question or want to find out more about Dermaplaning? Get in touch.


So what is it? PRP - platelet rich plasma is an exceptionally safe and completely natural therapy. It’s an explosion of anti ageing frontiers   it is also known as the vampire facelift or Dracula therapy. 

So What happens?

Topical anaesthetic is applied to the face after a full medical consultation. Expectations and problematic areas are discussed. A small amount of blood is taken from the client and the plasma is separated from the blood cells using a centrifuge. The plasma is then drawn up into syringes and injected with a very fine needle into the skin or other target tissue. Stem cells and growth factors in the plasma repair and renew the tissue. This can be done alone to treat small or specific areas. 

Maximum impact is reached by treating the whole face and neck if required. To do this we use the microneedle therapy system. This is a device that helps the absorption of effective materials by stimulation of the skin. Tiny needles are used to do this. There are varying depths of the needle to create an individual outcome depending on clients requirements and treatment objective. Disposable cartridges are used on each client.


It is a non-invasive, facial treatment with active ingredients that act in the deepest layers of the skin to boost hydration and elasticity, keeping your skin healthy. Using a specific cocktail of ingredients to suit your specific requirements will enhance the prp treatment as it will be mixed with the active plasma. There are pre made vials that help to improve pigmentation, lifting and tightening, hydration and hair loss as well as including general skin rejuvenation. 

So you can use these above therapies separately to to give you the best I will be offering all within the DERMA PRP that I will be offering. 

Does it hurt?

Remarkably this very comfortable. Yes there were a couple of areas that feel scratchy on boney areas such as the forehead. The topical anaesthetic will be on long enough so you can relax! The tiny injections of plasma can feel a bit like a pin prick but some you can’t feel at all. 


The micro needle device has a depth gauge so depending on how intense you have the treatment will reflect in your down time.  On completion of the treatment the skin can bright red and warm. Within an hour this reduces and has continues to reduce all day so Id like say a 24-48 hour down time for shallow needling. The deepest that the needle will go, you are looking at a 5-7 day downtime of bright redness for the first few days followed by peeling. There are of course depths in between this. Saying this everyone’s skin is different so if you are prepped for worse case scenario then quicker healing is a bonus. The skin will feel tight and warm, best way to describe is like sunburn. 

After care

I will place a cooling mask on to complete the treatment and a serum but after that it’s important to let it breathe for 24 hours at least. Cold compress and a splash of water can be used in this stage. Heat treatments are to be avoided. After this you can go back to your normal routine using at least a 35spf and avoiding any products that have an acid extracts in. Sunbed, abroad holidays and any facial hair removal needs to be at least 72 hours prior and any will need to be avoided for 2-3 weeks after. Please check your diaries for any social outings if you are concerned about downtime. Believe me it will be worth it.

How many will I need?

You should notice an improvement after one session but a course of 3 is suggested for maximum impact, more if deeper problematic areas on skin. More sessions will be required for hair loss. Sessions will be completed 4-6 weeks apart.

What can it be used on?

Acne scars 
Skin scars
Skin tone and enlarged pores
Hyper pigmentation 
Collagen deficiency 
Skin rejuvenation 
Face lifting
Cellulite and stretch marks

Cost and length of procedure 

One off procedure of face and neck £250
Course of 3 £700

1hour 15 minutes approx

I appreciate this is a costly treatment but unlike Botox and fillers at a similar price this is treating the entire facial area. It can also be used alongside your normal aesthetics routinely you do use botox or fillers.